“A society grows great when old men plant Trees whose shade they know they will never sit in.” –Greek Proverb

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lost in Thought (Outside) ...

The Cast of Characters from the Previous Installments:
Mr. G – history teacher, narrator
Leah (nee Stilman) – French teacher
Mrs. Filipovic - history teacher, "voice on the line," in Russia
Mrs. K – science teacher, Curator of the School Garden
Sage – Mr. G’s daughter
Chantel – Mr. G’s wife
Male Students (in order of first appearance) – James, Hideki, Yuri, Manny, Amir
Female Students (in order of first appearance) – Ana, Sarita, Amara


I was doing everything that I could to keep from crying ... Tears of sadness ... tears of joy ... Am I like a father to them? 

James and Amara were already gardening, talking among themselves.  I can't believe how much Amara has opened up in a matter of days-- 

I snapped out of thought when I heard the tap-tap-tap of Mr. Palapas's hammer constructing some new garden boxes alongside them.  And, of course, Mrs. K had her knees planted in the garden alongside James and Amara and the school carpenter. 

While I was kneeling, setting up my camera, Hideki and Yuri were setting up our class camera from a different angle.  B.Y.O.D. ... It feels like forever since we talked about that in Jeff and Rory's class--

There was a tug at my shirt.

I turned around, a bit surprised.  

 "Hey, Papa?" Sage asked.  "Can I help?"

"Of course, Mon Petit Miette."  I could feel my smile grow large, and I gave her a kiss on her forehead.  "Touch this button right here.  When did you get here?"

She looked at me somewhat quizzically. "Just now papa.  This one?"


"Then, open the shutter, Papa?"

I smiled again, a grin from ear-to-ear. "That's right.  Where's your--"

Hideki and Yuri were walking in my direction, giving me a thumbs up.  "Mr. G, it's all set," Hideki said.  "Can I Skype Yarina and some of her friends on my phone?"

"Of course.  I'd love for them to be able to join us if they want."  Ah, international love.  Yuri couldn't stop talking about Yarina once our class was done sharing our findings with her and the rest of Mrs. Filipovic's class.  I turned back to Sage.  "Where's your mom?"  Sage smiled, covered her huge smile with her hand--just as beautiful as her mom's!--and pointed behind me.  Before I could fully turn, Chantel gave me a big kiss, and Sage laughed.

Manny, Amir, Ana, and Sarita were accompanied by Leah, and were walking toward us and the garden, with supplies in their hands.  "Oooo, Mr. G," Leah said with a smile.  And, Manny, Amir, Ana, and Sarita were giggling among themselves.

Yuri and Hideki lifted their heads from talking to Yarina and company on the phone. "What happened?"  

I gave Chantel a gentler kiss, "I love you, honey bunny."

James and Amara looked over toward us from the garden, looked at each other and smiled, and then continued to garden with Mrs. K, who was completely oblivious and tending to resuscitating Mother Nature. 

Sage smiled and giggled.  "Mommy's not a bunny, Papa."

"I know, Mon Petit Miette."


Faculty and staff spouses and partners, parents, as well as some unexpected guests, started to arrive to our after-school monthly fellowship and nature excursion.  We had fresh vegetables from the garden, dishes prepared with them, and some of the refrigerated fish caught just yesterday.

James's parents walked over to me, as did his uncle, who said, "So, you're the Mr. G I hear about all the time."  He extended his hand. "The name is Matthew."

"Pleasure to meet you, Matthew.  This is my daughter, Sage, and my wife, Chantel."  My wife shook his hand, and Sage shied behind me a little, but smiled, waved, and said a soft hello.

"Nice to meet you all.  Yeah, James was telling me about your fishing trip and the discussion you had.  Sounded really interesting.  And then, he showed me some of the files that he said you all downloaded on some ... 'Cloud,' he called it.  Wish I had had a teacher like you when I was his age.  Man, things have changed, brother.  But, I probably would have become a plumber anyway.  I just love using my hands."

"I know. I know. I've been trying to use my hands more on different projects.  Some time ago, out in Colorado, I landscaped nearly the entire backyard of my brother's property by myself.  It was so fulfilling.  Here, I should have some pictures in the Cloud.  I can show you on my phone."

Matthew extended out his arm for a fist bump. "Preaching to the choir, brother."


  1. Hello Mr. G!
    Although there is definitely a fantastical element in your post, I detect some interesting incorporation of class material in it.

    First there's the sustainability theme. Even your daughter's name reflects the communion with nature present here! I certainly wish school communities could have a garden where kids can see the origins of their food.

    Second, Matthew as a plumber - is this a world where many more vocations are respected?

    And in general, there is an undercurrent of Social Emotional health in school settings. I do hope scenarios like this one become possible in the near future :)

    Thanks for your creativity!

  2. Hello Mr. G.,
    Your site is very imaginative. I seem this would be a great way to introduce a new topic to your students to get them excited. Last class we talked about way to reach our student though technology and we examined different sites. I presented Xmark, which is a bookmark program that allows you to bookmark and share them. It also allows you to find the most useful site and prioritizes them base on your what other in your field find important. Xmarks seems to be simple and easy to use. One way you may use Xmarks with your blog is to identify sites that have subject matter that can add to your character's situation or provide information about subject matter and relate it to your story.

  3. I happen to love that there is someone named Matthew who calls you 'brotha' and fist bumps you -- reminds me of someone else I know named Matthew who seems to be extremely fond of you as well. The part of this blog that touched me the most was the beginning. "I was doing everything that I could to keep from crying ... Tears of sadness ... tears of joy ... " I was overcome in the same way when meeting with my group to watch our INS videos. Evan's student started out needing prompting and clarifying in talking-to-the-text. However, by the end of the video, she was reading and circling difficult vocab words at the same time and filling silences with sentences that start with "I wonder...." This student is not someone I have ever met in reality and only experience on video but I felt proud and joyful for her and Evan. It was so moving! I imagine this is the type of feeling you are referencing in this post.

  4. Many themes I see here. Sustainability. Talking about vocational occupations. Throwing in the community building with "Faculty and staff spouses and partners, parents, as well as some unexpected guests." I'm still very interested in this holographic cloud. I don't get it. Upload a virtual being of yourself to be shared? Or maybe it's like a holographic video?

  5. I was thinking the latter: a holographic video that comprises 3D scans of individual students and projects a small-scale holographic class in front of each student and teacher station.
